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Saturday, October 12, 2013

2 Ways Fad Diets Can Sabotage Your Weight Loss Plans

Fad diets are very popular and at the same time very destructive to your health in the long run. Most fad diets use a strain on your body to cause a starvation response which causes you to put back on more weight than you started with when you began the diet. I call it weight gain with interest.

1. Most of the weight lost on a fad diet is water weight anyway. You take the weight off but as soon as you stop dieting and drink normally the weight comes right back on. The key is to eat a balanced diet which contains a normal amount of protein, carbohydrates, and a little fat. Make sure your plate is colorful as well. It has been shown that the colors of the food correlate to the nutrient level in the food. Bright green, yellow, orange and red along with a low fat protein choice is the basis of a healthy meal.

2. Fad diets also promote binge junk food eating if not taken in very low amounts. This is not to say you can never eat one of your old favorite junk food choices. But this has to be on occasion and not on a regular basis. Otherwise, it will cause you to eat more and more of the junk until you are back at your eating habits that made you fat and you don't even know what happened. After a binge, it is most likely you gained the old weight back and you also fell disgusted in yourself. If this happens don't take it out on yourself. Just start all over again.

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight While Pregnant

For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight While Pregnant

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