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Monday, October 28, 2013

3 Things You Must Know For Permanent Weight Loss

If you have been struggling to lose weight, then you must have by now tried a variety of diet plans and exercises aimed for losing weight. However, if you are like most people who want to achieve weight loss, it is likely that your weight has been yo-yoing at best and must have hit a plateau at worst.

Well, here is a list of 3 things you must know if you want permanent weight loss.

1. Do not skip meals: Yea, that's right. Skipping meals is an extreme form of crash diet and will hurt your health. Also, you will not permanently lose weight by skipping meals. That is because the body's metabolism is such that when you skip your meals, your body believes that there is a starvation and tries to protect whatever is available by storing it as fat and slowing your metabolism. Your aim is to however increase your metabolism so that you burn more calories and thus lose weight. Therefore always eat a well planned and balanced diet.

2. Comprehensive Exercise for Permanent Weight Loss: Although focused exercise on a particular muscle group like your abdomen may yield some quick results, they will not be permanent. Therefore you need to have a comprehensive exercise plan if your aim is to permanently lose weight. Your body is an integrated mesh of muscles and it is literally not possible to lose weight in one region alone.

3. Have a Positive Mindset: If you want to permanently melt off the fat, a highly restrictive diet may not be the ideal answer as you will not be able to stick to it in the long term. Instead you need to creatively combine a healthy diet, along with exercise and a positive mindset in order to achieve the desired results. Your permanent weight loss starts first in your mind. Visualize what you want to achieve and then set about doing whatever is needed to it.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Workouts At Home

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